Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Principal duties of a Kingdom

Yudhishthira asked Bhishma, 'Tell me grandsire, what are the principal duties of a Kingdom'?

To this Bhishma replied, 'Electing a King is the foremost duty of a Kingdom, because when a Kingdom is bereft of a King, the thieves take advantage of it.  The anarchy prevails, it becomes weak and nobody can live in that Kingdom'.

Vedas declare that crowning of a King is like crowning Indra as the King. Nobody should go against the words of the King. But implied in this is that a King should seek the advice of good councellors and rule justly his Kingdom.

Suppose if a Kingdom is without a King and it is bereft of anarchy and a powerful King comes with the intention of annexing this Kingdom and rule it justly then the citizens should welcome him with respect.

The wood that bends easily will not be subject to much heating. Likewise a wise man should bend before powerful people. That man who bends his head before a powerful person bends himself to Indra.

Those that reside in countries where anarchy prevails cannot enjoy their wealth and wife. The sinful people take advantage of the situation and rob them of all their belongings. So election of a King is of foremost necessity for a Kingdom.

Like a disciple who humbles himself before his teacher or like gods in front of Indra one should humble oneself before a King.

To differentiate between a King and the ordinary citizen and to give respect to a King his subjects should give him a throne, vehicles, outward ornaments etc.

It is because only when a King is honored by his citizens will he be honored by his enemies.

The duties of every man is having its root to the King. It is because of the feat that one has for the King do the weak are not being eaten alive by the powerful.

If a king did not exercise the duty of protection then the strong will take possession of the properties of the weak and the civilization as we know comes to an end.

If there is no strong king then the person who kills another fears nothing. Instead of punishment he enjoys happiness and perfect immunity.

Where the king is strong and doing his duty men can sleep anywhere fearlessly, women can move around at any time with all the ornaments on.

Vedas protect agriculture and trade but the Vedas are protected by the king.

Since a king's existence means his subjects existence and his destruction means the destruction of his subjects, who will not worship a king?

That person who bears the responsibilities of the king in protecting his subjects conquers both this and the other world.

The man who even thinks of doing harm to the king goes to hell.

The king assumes five different forms according to five different occasions. He becomes Agni, Aditya, Mrityu, Vaisravana and Yama.

When the king is deceived by falsehood, burns with fierce energy the sinful offenders, he is said to assume the form of Agni.

When he observes through his spies the acts of all the persons and does what is for the general good he then assumes the form of Aditya.

When he destroys in wrath hundreds of of wicked men with their sons, grandsons and relatives he is then said to assume the form of Mrityu or destroyer.

When he puts fear in the minds of the wicked by inflicting upon them severe punishments and favours the righteous by bestowing rewards upon them he is said to assume the form of Yama.

When he gives profusely to them who has done him exemplary services and takes away from them who has offended him, then he is said to assume the form of Kuvera.

No man should spread evil reports about the king who seek to advance in their career.

Even if a person be the king's son, brother, wife or his second self, cannot be happy if they offend and go against the king.

A blazing fire aided by gusts of wind may leave behind remnant but the anger of a king leave nothing intact.

One should turn away from all things that belongs to a king as he would turn away from death.

That man who desires his own prosperity should serve a king diligently, sincerely with utmost respect. He would surely obtain happiness. The king is the heart of his people and he is their great refuge.

The king ruling thus attains lasting fame and also high heavens after his life time here.

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