Friday, May 26, 2017

Samhita or Joining in Taitarya Upanishad

Samhita means joining or union. 

We will see some unions here.

The idea is to take from the gross to the subtle.

There are five kinds of unions mentioned in this Upanishad.

1. Adi lokam - knowledge concerning the universe
2. Adi jyotisham - knowledge concerning light - luminosity
3. Adi Vidyam - knowledge concerning vidya or flow of Upanishad knowledge
4. Adi Prajam - knowledge concerning progeny (maintaining family line) and
5. Adi Atmam - knowledge concerning oneself as a human being.

First let us take Adi Lokam.

athadhilokam.h .prithivi purvarupam.h . dyauruttararupam.h .
akashah sandhih . vayuh sandhanam.h . ityadhilokam.h . . .

First, with regard to the worlds: The earth is the first form, heaven is the last from, the akasa or sky is the union and the air is the medium. Thus with regard to the worlds.

athadhijautisham.h . agnih purvarupam.h . aditya uttararupam.h . apah sandhih .
vaidyutah sandhanam.h . ityadhijyautisham.h . . .

Next, with regard to the heavenly lights: Fire is the first form, the sun is the second form, water is the union and lightning is the medium. Thus with regard to the heavenly lights.

athadhividyam.h .acharyah purvarupam.h…antevasyuttararupam.h . vidya sandhih . pravachana sandhanam.h . ityadhividyam.h ….

Next, with regard to knowledge: The teacher is the first form, the pupil is the second form, knowledge is the union and the recitation is the medium. Thus with regard to knowledge.

When the teacher and the student come together they come together with the object of learning. Therefore Vidya sandhih. What causes the transmission of the Vidya? It is pravachanan or discourse by the guru to his students.

athadhiprajam.h . mata purvarupam.h .pitottararupam.h . praja sandhih . prajanana                 sandhanam.h .ityadhiprajam.h ....

Next, with regard to progeny: The mother is the first form, the father is the second form, the progeny is the union and procreation is the medium. Thus with regard to the progeny.

The Mother is the first form and the father is the second form. When they both come together a child is born. What makes them come together? It is the fertility/marriage etc.

athadhyatmam.h . adhara hanuh purvarupam.h . uttara hanuruttararupam.h . vaksandhih . jihva sandhanam.h . ityadhyatmam.h …

Next, with regard to atman: The lower jaw is the first form, the upper jaw is the second form, the speech is the union and the tongue is the medium. Thus with regard to the atman.

Objects for meditation
Purva rupam
(Prior form)
Uttara rupam
(Latter form)
(Means of joining)
Self Atman
Lower jaw
Upper jaw

itima mahas hitah . ya evameta mahasa hita vyakhyata veda . sandhiyate prajaya pashubhih . brahmavarchasenannadyena suvargyena lokena …

These are the great Samhitas (combinations). He who meditates on these Samhitas, as here explained, becomes united with progeny, cattle, the light of Brahman, food and the heavenly world.

The idea is to go from the gross to the subtle. These mantras urge us to think like this to go from the gross to the subtle. If we think like this then the rewards are having a good marital life with good children, lot of wealth.

Think of this body, world etc as the gross then go one step at a time to the subtle or the atman.

We will be having that Brahman or God consciousness as the reward for thinking like this.

Needless to say that if we make it an habit to think like this in our day to day life we will be wealthy and successful in our life. Also we will get the enlightenment as a result of our pious life.

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