Sunday, May 14, 2017


Yudhisthira asks sage Vyasa what are the expiation for a sin.

To him sage Vyasa said 'first I will tell you what is sin. A person should do what one has to do according to the scriptures. If he desists from doing the same it is a sin. He should also not do those acts which are forbidden by the scriptures. That is also sinful'.

A man has to get up from bed early in the morning before the sun rises and go to bed after sun sets. If he does otherwise he incurs sin. One should not have rotten nails, rotten teeth etc. That is also a sin (sin because he has not taken proper care of himself).

No one should speak ill of others. If one speaks like that then that is a sin.

A younger brother should get married after the elder one gets married. If not that is a sin. Likewise one should marry the elder sister before marrying the younger sister. If not that is a sin.

This above analogy stands good for the daughters also.

One should not kill others. That is a sin,

One should teach only to those who are having positive frame of mind. One should not teach to those who is unworthy of it. Teaching to one who is unworthy of it is a sin.

One should not kill an animal without any reason. That is a sin.

A teacher is to be respected at all times and he should not be killed. That is sin.

One who sets the house in fire, lives by deceit, one who goes back on his words are all sinners'.

One should not let down his own people, That is a sin.

One should not help in the rituals conducted by sinners. One should not desert the one who seeks protection. Of course you should have competence to give refuge.

One should not neglects in maintaining servants and dependants. One should not kill birds or animals etc.

A son should not quarrel with his father. If he does like that then he incurs sin.

But a man may be forced to abandon these rules in some circumstances and these are not sinful then.

For example even if a person is well qualified and knowledgeable, if he takes up arms in order to destroy you then you can destroy him in self defense. In this circumstance it is not sin.

Falsehood may be spoken to save one's life or the life of the other, or for the sake of one's teacher, or for bringing about a marriage.

If the elder brother has taken to sanyas or he is made invalidate due to some reason, then it is not sinful for the younger brother to marry ahead of him.

A servant who is not competent enough could be dismissed. It is not sin in that circumstance.

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