Monday, May 22, 2017

Lazy Camel


Long time back there lived a camel. It had knowledge of all its preexistence. It sat on meditation on Lord Brahma.

Lord Brahma was immensely satisfied with the Tapas of the camel and came down to reward the camel with his boons.

The camel sought the boon of having long neck at will, so long that it could even extend it to hundreds of miles.

Having obtained this wish the camel became idle. All it had to do was to reach out the food anywhere with its long neck.

One day he spied some food in a cave and as usual it wished to grow its neck to reach the food. The food was inside a cave and at a far off place.

As he was about to shorten and take back its neck it saw a terrible wind blowing with a heavy downpour of rain.

The camel thought that it would take out the neck from the cave after the cessation of the wind.

By this time a jackal and its wife entered the cave to escape the fury of the winds and the rains.

Being hungry it saw the extended head of the camel and started biting it.

This caused terrible pain to the camel and it started to shorten its neck. 

But the jackal stuck on to the neck of the camel along with its life partner and ate the camel away.

Camel paid for being lazy with its own dear life.

A king should not be idle. He should be very intelligent.

It is said that acts achieved through the intelligence are superior to the acts achieved through the might of the arms.

The acts achieved through the might of the arms are superior to acts achieved through the aid of the feet.

By avoiding laziness and by taking the aid of the intelligence a king should win this world.

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