Sunday, May 14, 2017



By doing penances, religious rites and giving gifts to the deserving one may wash off his sins.

He has to not commit the same sin again. He should really feel sad for his past behavior and expiate for that.

He should tell the world that he has committed such and such sin and he should tell that he is doing all these for expiation of the same.

One taking food only once in a day. Going about with skull in one hand begging for the food, lying in the bare ground and doing all his work himself, without the help of any servant. Living like this for twelve years, without any malice towards anybody one can cleanse himself of the sin of killing other person.

One can be cleansed of his sins of killing another human being if he fights for the protection of the mankind and goes down in that fight.

A person can be cleansed of his sins if he gives to any one who asks for his help and keeps it a secret.

By renouncing the world and going on an endless, everlasting pilgrimage one can be cleansed of his sins of killing others.

When one steals of the other's property he should strive to give its equal value to him. In that case he becomes freed of the sin of stealing.

A person is watched here always by the five primal elements or Pancha bootha like the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.

A person obtains the fruits of his merits or sins in the next world according to his actions here.

Therefore one should always strive to do which is meritorious and not do any forbidden acts.

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