Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Narada's coming to the Pandavas III

Narada continues with his advises to Yudhushtira

'Do you have good servants for serving you. In fact you should have three kinds of servants for three kinds of offices. Those who are guileless, of good conduct and born in good family which has values in such important offices. Those that are indifferent to the indifferent offices. Those that are low are appointed to the low level of offices.

You should not oppress the people with cruel and harsh punishments. Your Ministers should rule only under your orders and not by their own.

Is your commander is proud, confident, having wisdom, devoted to you et al.

I hope you are rewarding people who have intelligence, skill with wealth.

Your servants who have shown some exemplary results in any of their endeavors should be specially honored.

You should support the wives and children of those who have fallen in the service of you. They should not be seen to be distressed.

Do you look after with paternal affection those who have been defeated by you or taken shelter with you.

Do you give the gems and gold to your Principal enemies Officer's without the knowledge of their King.

Before you go to subdue your foes you must subdue your enemies that are inside you like the anger. time, jealosy etc.

For protecting of your city you should turn villages into towns, the deep rural villages should be made into villages et al.

I hope that you are not taking rest at the time of the attack of your enemy about whom you already have come to know about it.

You should first strengthen your own Kingdom first before venturing out to capturing other's. Employ the principles of peace, gift, causing disunion before marching out on other Kingdoms for employing the last one the force or danda niti.

Your army should consist of four kinds of forces like regulars, allies, irregulars and mercenaries each having eight ingredients like chariot force, elephant force, the horse mounted forces, the infantry, the offices to maintain all these, camp, followers or supporters, spies, have symbols or flags for themselves et al all these having well trained by the superior officers.

You should gain victory over the enemy King and capture his Kingdom and rule the subjects justly.

You should look out for opportunities to slay your enemies in season and out of season.

Trusted servants should be employed by you to take care of yourself. Trusted servants should be employed to serve you food, drink, the perfume you apply, robes you wear. Your treasury, food grain storage yards, stables, arsenals, women's apartments are all protected by servants by servants who are devoted to you.

The expenses on your own self should not be within your income may be it is one fourth, one third or  on half. Your expenses also includes the expenses incurred for supporting the aged, the infirm, superiors the merchants, relatives et al.

Your accountants should appraise you always about your income and expenditure every day in the morning.

Are the agriculturists in your Kingdom are contented with your rule.

The agriculture in your realm should not be fully dependent on the seasonal rains. For this you have to construct ponds, tanks, wells and lakes all over your Kingdom.

You should give them the seed to grow and take a fourth of their produce.

Your Kingdom should consist of people who carry out the four traditional occupations like agriculture, trade, cattle rearing and lending for interest by honest men. Only upon these the happiness of your Kingdom lies.

You should clean yourself everyday and dressed in full regalia appear before the people at an appointed hour along with your Ministers for hearing their complaints.

You should cure the bodily disease by medicine and fasts and mental illness with the advice of the aged and wise.

I hope, O Yudhisthira that your Ministers and officers do not let a thief who is caught in the act with covetousness, knowing fully well that he is a thief.

I hope they do not wrongly decide on cases between the rich and the poor.

You should keep yourself free from fourteen vices of a King like

atheism, untruthfulness, anger, incautiousness, procrastination, non visit to the wise, idleness, restlessness of mind, taking counsels with only one man, consultation with those who do not know subject of profit or acquisition of wealth, abandoning a settled plan, divulging the counsels, non accomplishments of beneficial projects and undertaking projects without proper reflection.

By these vices even great Kings fall down on this Earth from their exemplary positions.

Has your study of Vedas, knowledge of the Sastras and the wealth with you and your marriage has been fruitful?

Vedas as said to be fruitful if when who has studied them performs the Agnihotra and other sacrifices. The wealth is said to be fruitful if a person who has wealth has enjoyed it and also gives it on charity. Wife is said to be fruitful when she bears children. The study of sastras is said to be fruitful when it leads to humility and good behavior.

You should always give the artisans and artists the materials required by them and their salary for a period not more than four months.

You should also examine their works and praise them in public before the eminent and good persons.

You should also protect the blind the lame the infirm the deformed the friendless the ascetics like their own father.

You should banish these ills like sleep, idleness, fear, anger, weakness of mind and procrastination.


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