Friday, April 18, 2014

KANIKA'S ADVICE TO DURYODHANA PART iV Kanika went on to give the following words of advice to Dhritarashtra. Kanika said to Dhritarashtra, 'Don't show your real emotions to your enemies. If you are angry then don't show anger to your enemies. If you are NOT angry then smile'. 'Speak soft words before you hit your enemies with deadly blow. Even while hitting them speak kindly. After the hitting is over show pity to them in public and even shed tears'. 'Talk with kind words, give them gifts of wealth and lull them by your good behavior before giving them a nasty blow'. 'You have to give them a nasty blow at the opportune time, that is the time when they are not walking in the right path'. 'You should also give a nasty blow to a person who putting on the garb of a religious or righteous person in public but acting to the contrary in the private'. 'You can use any strategy to overwhelm your opponents as suited to the circumstances. You can without notice attack him, you can poison him or corrupt his allies to switch their loyalty towards you et al'. 'Suppose you are strong, you can openly attack him. Suppose if you are NOT strong enough and the outcome of a battle is uncertain then the one who uses some tactics like as mentioned above will succeed. Towards the success should be your heart. Follow any method to achieve it depending upon the circumstances'. 'When you hit your opponent strike him with such a force that he cannot again raise his head'.. 'You should not stand in fear of any one in your domain. Act in such a way that all those who may be opposed to you fall in line with you or else subdue them'. 'A King has no true friends. If your father, brother, son or even your guru go against your interests you have to destroy them' 'You have to destroy your enemies by curses, by gift of wealth, by poison and by deception'. 'To your enemies you should be like a flowering tree. The tree which only flowers but no fruits are obtained from that'. 'If bearing fruit then they have to be made to bear fruit at a great height, not easily attainable'. 'Even if some fruit show the prospect of ripening then care should be taken that they appear raw'. 'THOSE THAT PRACTICE VIRTUE (DHARMA) MORE DO HAVE SCRUPLES THAT THEY ARE NOT HAVING ENOUGH OF WEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN LIFE'. 'THOSE THAT GO AFTER WEALTH, NEGLECT THE VIRTUOUS LIVING AND HAPPINESS'. 'THOSE THAT GO AFTER PLEASURE DON'T CARE TOO MUCH FOR THE VIRTUE AND WEALTH AND SUFFER FOR THE CONSEQUENCES' 'YOU SHOULD PRACTICE VIRTUE, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN SUCH A WAY THAT YOU DO NOT FEEL THAT YOU LOST OUT ON SOME THING IN LIFE'.

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