Sunday, April 20, 2014

Narada's coming to the Pandavas I

Maya who was let off when the Khandava forest was burnt offered to do something in return for the Pandavas. He asked Arjuna what might be done to him. Arjuna said 'I don't like to take anything in exchange for what I have done for you'. But upon the persistent queries of the Maya, Arjuna accepted some favor from Maya. He sent Maya to his brother Yudhishtira. Yudhistira said to him to build a Palace for him. So Maya built an excellent Palace for him. To the Yudhishtira came sage Naradha to see one day. To him Yudhistira gave a welcome fitting to be given to an ascetic and honored him in every way that is possible. After giving him the seat and getting his blessings Yudhistira was eager to hear his words of wisdom. To him the sage Naradha said 'Are the wealth obtained by you is spent properly to uphold Dharma and Kama of your citizens. Are you upholding virtue for its sake or are you forsaking virtue for the sake of wealth and desire. One should not forsake virtue for the sake of desire or wealth. Are you enjoying the pleasures of life? O King with the six attributes of the King like cleverness of speech, readiness in giving to the needy, intelligence in dealing with your enemies, memory, knowledge of the politics and morals are you attending to the seven means of a King or seven duties of a King like likeness for peace with one's foe, giving as gift to others including one's enemy, sowing dissension in the ranks of the enemies, punishing your enemies, incantations, medicine and magic are you examining all your foes for their strengths and weaknesses and their fourteen possessions of your enemies' (What are the possessions of an enemy? They are his country, forts, chariots, elephants, cavalry, foot soldiers, the principle officials of his state, his woman's quarters, his food supply, his revenue and treasury, his computations of his army and income, the religious state of affairs of his state, wine shops and other secret enemies of his state) Are you taking good care for the agriculture. Knowing your strength and your enemies strength are you making peace with them. I hope your seven principal officials like the governor of the citadel, the commander of the armed forces, chief judge, the general in far off places who are actually fighting, the head priest, the chief physician and the chief astrologer are happy with you and have not fallen into the influence of your enemy Kings. I also hope they have not become complacent because of the wealth that you have given them.

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