Friday, December 8, 2023


We think that physical death is the only death. That is ceasing to breathe is the only death.

Yes, it is the official way that death is defined.

But death may be a living death too and that may not be visible to others. To everyone around him, he might be living a bubbling life, but inside his heart, he may be a dead man. He would be the dead man walking, without others not knowing that fact.

Every one of us carries loads of our painful past, and many are not able to overcome those defeatist thoughts. While that may require healing time heals a lot. Even if the wounds are healed the scars remain for a lifetime.

Now, let us explore the different kinds of death.

  1. We all know as mentioned already, the physical death.
  2. Losing your honor is another kind of death. What is the use of living if we lose our honor?

When someone insults us in front of all the people then it is a death.

3. Poverty is another form of death. A poor man only pulls himself along and he seldom lives a life. He has constant worries about his next meal.

In Panchatantra, a verse aptly sums up the death due to poverty.

A beggar to the graveyard ‘hi’ed,

O! Friends corpse arise he cried.

One minute, lift my poverty,

For I am weary of my poverty,

You are rich and good,

The corpse was silent and then he knew that

It was better being dead than being alive and poor.

The above story is narrated about a beggar, who was living near a graveyard and one day, a wealthy man had passed away and his relatives were taking his body to the graveyard for giving proper last rites.

He thought that since the wealthy man had died and he had no more use for his wealth, so why can’t he the afflicted and poor ask for riches from him?

And he called out the dead man to give him some of his wealth. The corpse was silent and then he knew that it was better to be dead than be alive and poor.

4. Seeing your children suffer is another kind of death.

5. When someone you trust a lot betrays you, that is another form of death.

6. If you love somebody and then have to separate them, that is death. Then he/she might become your password because you cannot forget them.

7. Still more, a cruel form of death is being mocked by a person who initially loved you but deserted later.

The arrows lodged in your heart may be extricated, but the wordy arrows lodged into your hearts are not visible but they torment you all through your life.

Hence we should not abuse or insult others.

8. Defeat is another kind of death. Swami Vivekananda would say ‘With every success you live a little more and with every defeat you die a little’.

9. Killing another person with a weapon is punishable. But what if you don’t take any weapon to kill others but damage his reputation?

That is character assassination. Even though this is also a crime, there is no way to prove the character assassination and it is difficult to get over the scandalous charges.

There will be always someone who would say, that without fire no smoke comes out. Even, if you are as white as a swan, it is not possible to get over the scandalous charges. This is another kind of death

10. If you lived royally in your town, but due to a sudden reversal of fortune you have become poor, then that is another kind of death. Shastras says that we should not live in the same place where we once lived royally.

Our shastras, tell us how to lead a life that is worthy of leading and how to succeed in life.

To know more about them kindly follow these links to get the books that give invaluable wisdom about living successfully and happily.

Conquer the world Indian way vol 1
Conquer the world Indian way vol 2

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