Saturday, December 9, 2023

Arjuna’s Way

 Arjuna was the greatest warrior and archer in Mahabharata. His arch-enemy and rival was Karna, on the Kaurava side.

What made Arjuna an invincible?

Arjuna once vowed that he would kill his enemy Jayadrata, the King of Sindh the next day before sunset and if he failed in his mission then he would enter fire and end his life.

Jayadratha, then went to Drona, who was then the commander of the Kaurava army, and pleaded with him to protect his life.

Drona had been the guru for all the Pandavas and Kauravas in teaching the techniques of warfare. For Drona Arjuna, was the most favorite student.

Drona loved Arjuna and Arjuna loved Drona, throughout their lifetime.

Jayadratha was also a former pupil of Drona.

Drona then gave him words of consolation and said that he would design a very rare kind of vyuha or the arrangement of troops the next day that would baffle even Arjuna and thus save his life.

Jayadratha then got some courage for his life and asked Drona, as to whether he showed any partiality towards Arjuna and taught way too many war techniques than his other pupils including himself.

Drona replied to him that he never showed partiality between them but Arjuna was a better student and he always improved his craft. While all others had left their learning after they left his school or Gurukul, Arjuna kept on learning archery from various other sources.

He had gone to Kailash, pleased Lord Shiva with his bravery and courage, and obtained Pasupata astra. He had gone to the abode of Indra the Lord of Gods and had obtained divine astras from him.

He had also learned the nuances of the art of dancing in the abode of Indra.

Now, with all these sustained efforts on his part, he is easily better than me, replied Drona.

In the next day's battle, true to his words Drona formed the army in a complex triple Vyuha and kept Jayadratha at the very end of the formation. But defying all of them, Arjuna reached Jayadratha and killed him on time, fulfilling his words.

From this, we know that one has to be a lifelong learner.

Also, Arjuna, followed one more technique in life and that was, first he would kill those who surrounded and supported his enemies, isolate them, and then concentrate on killing them.

In other words, Arjuna would isolate his target, and then pounce upon it and go for the jugular. Karna, would not do that. He would go to the jugular straight.

The method of Arjuna’s was systematic in approach with clinical precision.

For more insights into how to conquer the world in the style of our Epics kindly click the following links.

Conquer the world Indian way vol 1
Conquer the world Indian way vol 2

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